
Birds do not perceive glass in the way we do. Although it is transparent, we see aal visual cues, such as geometric shapes, frames, mullions and mounts, but to a bird, a modern float-glass panel is an opening or an entrance to a tunnel. It may also reflect vegetation and appear to them as safe passage. They simply don’t have the same perception as us. Urbanization, taller buildings and the wider proliferation of glazing have dome together to create a real danger for birds, so we have to be conscious of this in our design exercise. We have a potential solution, especially for areas where bird habitats or migratory paths may conflict with modern buildings.


• Easy to process
• Outstanding optic
• Blocks UV light
• Advantages in contrast to screen printing on glass
• Outstanding threat level


• Qdel provides an extensive range of interlayers, tools and supplies needed for Glass lamination.
• Mentioned information is at all times subject to change. Qdel bears no responsibility and/or liability for this.
• Mentioned width on the website can differ from current stock.