
EVA more stable color:

EVA Colors that can be mixed together with each other, or make it more opaque and combine with a white EVA.

These colors can reach a higher temperature. EVA Colors are developed for temperatures of 120 degrees celcius.
Durability and color unformity can be achieved

• Thickness : 0.38mm with tolerance of + - 5%
• Available widht: 2000mm
• Temperature adhesive, depending on the color: 100/120 ºC
• Deviation color tolerance :  < 4.0 (CIE)
(its laminator responsibility to check standard color deviation in every batch production)
• Absortion water -23ºC, 24hr : 0.1 %


• Qdel provides an extensive range of interlayers, tools and supplies needed for Glass lamination.
• Mentioned information is at all times subject to change. Qdel bears no responsibility and/or liability for this.
• Mentioned width on the website can differ from current stock.