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Polycarbonate are strong, tough materials, and some grades are optically transparent.
Polycarbonate are easily worked, molded, and thermoformed.
Because of these properties, polycarbonates find many applications.
Polycarbonate offers a unique combination of toughness with exceptional impact strength, high temperature resistance.
There are 2 types of polycarbonate:
• Standard Polycarbonate without coating
Polycarbonate without coating can be used for all purposes but also for
bulletproof glazing.
For bulletproof glazing, polycarbonate without coating can be used as
an intermediate layer
• Polycarbonate with coating.
Polycarbonate with coating on one side can not be used as an
intermediate layer because of adhesion problems with coating,
Polycarbonate with coating can only be used as the outside layer
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