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Qdel own brand

Security Adhesive film, 330μm 1520mm, Exterior NF EN356 P5A EN

Artikelnummer S3002
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Applied on glazing, this colorless film forms an integral membrane that keeps the glass in place.
It avoids the glass pane shattering in the event of explosion or vandalism in places
|such as shops, shopping malls, schools, hospitals, public buildings, exhibition halls, sports facilities, homes…

The glass surface to be glued on has to be free from dust, grease or other contaminants.
Some specific materials such as polycarbonate can cause air bubble problems.
Therefore, a compatibility test is recommended.

In order to constantly improve our production we may change a product colour and
manufacturing process without prior notice.
Before applying our products we recommend that our users ensure
that the film is suitable for the intended use and comply with current standards.

In order to maintain the high level of quality,
we do not recommend mixing different film productions when applying films

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• Qdel biedt een uitgebreid aanbod van interlayers, tools, materialen die nodig zijn voor het Glas lamineer proces.
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